So.. I know that it has been forever and i also know that i say that every time i post... but none the less here i am. This semester has been by far the hardest of my college life. Dance history is going to be the death of me. And I'm all kinds of confused between what is ethical and unethical in my ethics and values class. BUT my ethics teacher is the coolest dude. He seriously comes to class in velcro sandals, multiple toe rings, He has long shoulder length gray hair that has ringlets in it.. natural i think.. acid washed jeans, legit ones, and over sized button up short sleeved shirts. He is amazing and i look forward to going to his class every other day. So far in CDE(Contemporary Dance Ensemble) We are learning dances up the ying yang. Out concert isn't till next March which sucks.. but at east we will have time to prepare! Maybe.. I miss not going home as much this year but at least it is going by fast. I'm so excited for Thanksgiving to get here. Reasons: Bryant is coming with me to meet the Kingham side. DUN DUn Dun... I get to see my family, and relaxation time before finals a few weeks later. I have been teaching at some studios in Lindon and Pleasant Grove and i am having an amazing time. I am almost finished with one of their dances! What else... oh yes.. our sad little puppy Renee finally passed away, she was my favorite. She was 17 1/2 years old! I can't believe she made it that long but we love her and miss her. Living at Arlington in Provo is really nice.. but i want to slash everyones tireswho don't know how to parallel park correctly an leave 3/4 of a car length in front and in back of them. I am slowly but surly getting used to these Utah winters. Even though i hate getting the ice off of the windows and crap.. it is better than the bitter cold, dry wind in Vegas. Well! Thats about it for now.. I cant wait for this semester to be over so that i can have my life back, and be done with dance history! Here are some cute pictures just for fun.. Love you all!
Bryant and I went to bear lake with his family over Memorial Day Weekend. So pretty!!
The most amazing video ever.
your welcome for showing lydia the amazing 'try and clap your hands thing.' i STILL wish i could have gone.
yay for updating your blog. now it's just my turn. Glad all is well with you cuzzie!!! Life looks great!!!!
Oh dance history. Mine wasn't too bad, but still one of my harder classes. I'm sure yours is like 1 million times harder!!! Dude, your ethics teacher sounds SO sweet!!! I love teachers like that who make you want to go to class, that's how my English teacher is.
And bitter, cold wind of Vegas...come to Rexburg. ;) Nothing like it in the US, not even "The Windy City." haha
Dude, that video is the baste!! I loves it! That was a good time, that trip was.
oh my gosh that video is SO funny. good job holding on while filming.
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